Custom applications, Multi-vendor E-Commerce, Cloud ERP & Internet services


New Multi-vendor Digital Services

Affiliate E-commerce Services

As representatives/sellers, you will establish corporate relationships with multiple online stores simultaneously as partners. As store owners, you will increase your sales by creating a network of partners through our platform. Procedural matters such as contracts, agreements, commissions, and payments have been simplified for everyone.

Specialized e-commerce applications

Specialized products and services for e-Commerce, ERP, SaaS, cloud, along with data center and analytics services. Many additional features and automations in the management of products and e-commerce data.

Excellence in design and development of specialized software.

35 years of software design and internet architecture. With numerous commercial programs, we offer the world original web software and a complete package of internet services.

Simulations of buildings in digital cities

High-precision building simulations for residences, offices, exhibition spaces, conference centers in three-dimensional digital worlds.

Interactive 3D platform for presentations, exhibitions, conferences, or remote work worldwide.

Application Packages

Maximize your online presence and the return on your investment and time now. Our software is customized to meet a wide range of business needs in various industries, and we also cater to custom requirements.


It’s a great job, well done!! I think, your ranking in the third highest position of Digital Worlds  is well deserved.

Eric Atkinson

Architect Engineer - New York School of Interior Design

Είναι απίστευτο ότι όλη αυτή η δουλειά έγινε στην Ξάνθη.

Κώστας Μαντουλίδης

Εταιρεία Πληροφορικής Click2Buy

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Μουσικός Οίκος Lemonidis